The Mediation Afterglow: Why resolving conflict positively impacts the rest of your life

The Mediation Afterglow: Why resolving conflict positively impacts the rest of your life

We all love sunsets. We love the vivid colors, the enchanting beauty, and often for a moment the way they make our lives feel a little bit better. They remind us that there is beauty and hope in the world. And the richness of the sunset lasts a while after the sun has actually set[…]

Learn how to reduce stress during the holidays

Cut the Christmas Stress: 3 Steps to Enjoy Holiday Gatherings with Your Family and Friends

Christmas is a time that I look forward to. It is a time of celebration, festive parties, delicious food, gift- giving, and seeing family I haven’t seen since the previous Christmas or even longer. And while it may be fun to see most of my family members, some may not be as merry-inducing as others.[…]