Church Conflict: Unity is Possible

For many of us, our Christian life revolves around the church, and yet sometimes the church can feel lacking in Christ’s love. Church conflict occurs when a disagreement is unresolved at church, whether it be amongst the congregants, between the leadership, between the leadership and the congregants, on any number of the functioning (or dysfunctioning)[…]

business conflict resolution

Workplace Conflict: It can be Resolved

Work is where we spend the majority of life, so it is extremely important that we get along with our co-workers. When we get into disagreements with co-workers it can turn an otherwise pleasant work environment into a disaster. When workplace conflict occurs it affects the whole office. Groups begin to be formed that attack[…]

Family Mediation Results

Family Mediation: Resolve Your Most Important Conflicts

Family members play a key role in providing a peaceful environment and promote a sense of support, belonging, and security. Unfortunately, these very same people can also be a source of irritation and pain. Family conflict is a natural and normal part of life as it includes conflict with siblings, cousins, parents, and as you[…]