Noelle Nightingale, M.A., President
MA in Peacemaking and Conflict Studies Fresno Pacific University, Fresno, CA 2012
Emphasis in Church Conflict Resolution
BA in Communication Studies Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA, 2005
Minor: Economics and Business
Related Work Experience:
Executive Director November 2007- August 2012
Victim Offender Reconciliation Program of the Central Valley Inc. (VORP), Fresno, CA
- Oversaw the entire church-based nonprofit organization which was partnered with Fresno County Juvenile Court.
- Mediated cases with extreme complexity.
- Taught 41 mediator trainings totaling over 800 participants.
- Supervised employees.
- Advised and oversaw over 1,500 mediated juvenile court cases.
- Planned for fundraisers and network gatherings recruited new volunteers.
- Recruited new volunteers.
- Strengthen relationships with the Juvenile Justice System and local churches.
- Created new or improved programming.
Adjunct Faculty, Fresno Pacific University September 2008- August 2012
- Taught a course each semester on mediation with a practicum component.
Case Manager, VORP 2006-2007
- Managed all cases (350) referred by the Fresno County Juvenile Probation.
- Supported volunteer mediators.
- Mediated cases for the program.
Civil Court Mediator & Case Manager, Fresno Superior Court 2006
- Mediated cases referred to the program through the Alternative Dispute Resolution office at the Civil Court.
- Organized mediations for the program.
Presentations/ Trainings
- 2017: Fresno State and Armenian Turkish Peace Initiative: Panel on Reconciliation
- 2017: Nightingale Dispute Consultant’s Conflict Resolution Training
- 2017: Fuller Seminary’s Mini-Symposium on the Armenian Genocide
- 2016: Fresno State Department Training
- 2015: Case for Restorative Justice: Summit on Human Dignity*
- 2006-2012: VORP Mediator Trainings
- 2012: Day of Justice Conference: Restorative Justice Works!
- 2011: Administrative Office of the Courts, Beyond the Bench Conference
- 2009-2011: Association for Conflict Resolution, Central California Chapter Conference
- 2008-2010: Association for Conflict Resolution National Conference
- 2007-2008: American Society for Victimology National Symposium
*Plenary Speaker
Volunteer Experience:
- President of the Association for Conflict Resolution, Central California Chapter, 2012-2013
- Board member for Association for Conflict Resolution 2005-2013
- Mediator- Victim Offender Reconciliation Program, 2006- 2014
- Lead and organize various events for our local church
- Children’s Leader for Bible Study Fellowship 2014-Present
- Led and Participated in various mission trips