I asked the executive team, “How do you make your best decisions?”
They each took 5 minutes to write their answer – their own process broken down by steps. There were similarities, but there were a lot of differences. None of them had the same order, nor the same number of steps. When it came to decision making, this team needed to come together before “decision time.” They needed to start the decision-making process together. A formal decision-making process positions a team to make their best decisions.
“Would you like to align your formal decision-making process to position your team to make better decisions?”
This was not an easy conversation. Although, it was a much easier conversation then the kinds they had been having. The reasons this Executive Team was so frustrated with their outcomes was because no one genuinely felt like they were positioned to make the best possible decisions.
How would your work environment change if you knew that your formal decision-making process lined up with your Executive Team’s preferred decision-making steps?
Let’s have a conversation about how Nightingale Resolutions can help your team make better decisions together.