Running from Conflict? Come out of Hiding with Conflict Resolution Training

Running from Conflict? Conflict Resolution Training“My wife and I agree that this might be the most important thing we’ve done all year,” Nick Chandler said about taking Nightingale Resolution’s Conflict Resolution Training.

Nick Chandler is an Associate Pastor and seminary student. He has a lot going on in his life and finds his work and studies to be very important and meaningful. Nick Chandler and his wife, Kyoko, took our first Conflict Resolution Training back in April. He shared his experience of the training during an Informational Gathering.

Old Habits

Previous to taking the Conflict Resolution Training, Nick said that he thought there were only three ways to handle conflict.

  1. Lose and keep a friend
  2. Win and lose a friend
  3. Draw but still lose a friend and not get what you want

“I avoided conflict because it never ended well, I found that I could avoid it as long as I could, but then it would always blow up,” said Nick. He shared a story of a work relationship with a friend he had where he had felt taken advantage of. He let it slide. He allowed the relationship to continue because they were friends. After it happened again he realized that things weren’t going to change. Nick decided to stop doing business with his friend but did not tell him why. Then his friend found out Nick was still doing business but with other people. His friend felt upset and taken advantage of. That was the end of the friendship.

As a result of his negative encounters with conflict, Nick decided to give this Conflict Resolution Training a try but didn’t believe that it would really be helpful. What he found instead was that the training was life giving and impactful on all areas of his life. He said that if positively affected his work relationships, marriage, and ministry. He said that all that really matters are relationships in the end. He said that the training gave him tools to have more empathetic, healthier relationships.

New Outlook

Now that Nick has taken the training he said he does not avoid conflict any longer. Now, Nick says that he invites disagreement because he has the tools to engage in those disagreements and come out of them in a better place. He said that we are all unique individuals so conflict is natural. He strongly believes that the skills taught in this training help to heal broken relationships and offers the tools to not do it again. Nick said that while he was in the training he thought, “Everyone should be in this room!”

Conflict Resolution Training Opportunities

If you are reading this and wondering how you might gain this unique and valuable tool, then you are in luck! Nightingale Resolutions are offering another training to the public in October. It will be two, eight-hour sessions on October 14th and 28th. You can register online here, or if you have questions click here.

Also, if you would like to attend a future Informational Gathering then you can click here for the schedule and then email us to RSVP.

Noelle Nightingale, M.A., is the President of Nightingale Resolutions as well as mediator, trainer, and facilitator. She has over 13 years experience in the field of Conflict Resolution and is located in Fresno, CA.

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