
Nightingale Resolutions equips organizations to develop a culture built on mutual respect, collaboration, and accountability. Services focus on teamwork, communication, collaboration, and culture. As organizations partner with Nightingale Resolutions, they often report cohesion, growth, and movement towards stability. We also assist organizations during times of transition, inviting collaboration from the leadership (President, Executives, Board) and staff[…]

Hate Meetings 3 steps for a great meeting

Hate Meetings? 3 Steps to a Great Meeting

I hate meetings. I hate them with a passion. Former colleagues have even had jokes about me and my great dislike for meetings. Statistics tell us that in the United States there are 11 million meetings taking place each day! Of those, one-third of them fail. That equates to about $37 billion wasted annually! That’s[…]

Running from Conflict? Conflict Resolution Training

Running from Conflict? Come out of Hiding with Conflict Resolution Training

“My wife and I agree that this might be the most important thing we’ve done all year,” Nick Chandler said about taking Nightingale Resolution’s Conflict Resolution Training. Nick Chandler is an Associate Pastor and seminary student. He has a lot going on in his life and finds his work and studies to be very important[…]

Workplace Conflict Resolution

Does conflict affect your business’ bottom line? The case for workplace conflict resolution

Neighborhood thrift grew an $18,000 gift to about $500,000 annual income all with a purposeful plan, commitment and a great set of workplace conflict resolution skills. Anthony “AP” Armour spoke at Nightingale Resolutions informative gathering this past Thursday on what affects conflict resolution has played in the success of his company, Neighborhood Industries. The two[…]

Conflict Resolution Training

Redemptive Conflict Resolution Training March 11 & 25

Our conflict resolution training is focused on Matthew 18. This is a four part, two-day training with each training focusing on an aspect of the verses. The training will include times to learn the concepts as well as time to practice your newly learned skills. This training is based on Biblical concepts of restoration, redemption,[…]