Noelle Nightingale

Noelle Nightingale

Noelle Nightingale, M.A., President Education: MA in Peacemaking and Conflict Studies Fresno Pacific University, Fresno, CA 2012 Emphasis in Church Conflict Resolution BA in Communication Studies Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA, 2005 Minor: Economics and Business Related Work Experience: Executive Director                             […]

Running from Conflict? Conflict Resolution Training

Running from Conflict? Come out of Hiding with Conflict Resolution Training

“My wife and I agree that this might be the most important thing we’ve done all year,” Nick Chandler said about taking Nightingale Resolution’s Conflict Resolution Training. Nick Chandler is an Associate Pastor and seminary student. He has a lot going on in his life and finds his work and studies to be very important[…]

Workplace Conflict Resolution

Does conflict affect your business’ bottom line? The case for workplace conflict resolution

Neighborhood thrift grew an $18,000 gift to about $500,000 annual income all with a purposeful plan, commitment and a great set of workplace conflict resolution skills. Anthony “AP” Armour spoke at Nightingale Resolutions informative gathering this past Thursday on what affects conflict resolution has played in the success of his company, Neighborhood Industries. The two[…]

The Mediation Afterglow: Why resolving conflict positively impacts the rest of your life

The Mediation Afterglow: Why resolving conflict positively impacts the rest of your life

We all love sunsets. We love the vivid colors, the enchanting beauty, and often for a moment the way they make our lives feel a little bit better. They remind us that there is beauty and hope in the world. And the richness of the sunset lasts a while after the sun has actually set[…]

Conflict Resolution Training

Redemptive Conflict Resolution Training March 11 & 25

Our conflict resolution training is focused on Matthew 18. This is a four part, two-day training with each training focusing on an aspect of the verses. The training will include times to learn the concepts as well as time to practice your newly learned skills. This training is based on Biblical concepts of restoration, redemption,[…]

Learn how to reduce stress during the holidays

Cut the Christmas Stress: 3 Steps to Enjoy Holiday Gatherings with Your Family and Friends

Christmas is a time that I look forward to. It is a time of celebration, festive parties, delicious food, gift- giving, and seeing family I haven’t seen since the previous Christmas or even longer. And while it may be fun to see most of my family members, some may not be as merry-inducing as others.[…]

Church Conflict: Unity is Possible

For many of us, our Christian life revolves around the church, and yet sometimes the church can feel lacking in Christ’s love. Church conflict occurs when a disagreement is unresolved at church, whether it be amongst the congregants, between the leadership, between the leadership and the congregants, on any number of the functioning (or dysfunctioning)[…]

business conflict resolution

Workplace Conflict: It can be Resolved

Work is where we spend the majority of life, so it is extremely important that we get along with our co-workers. When we get into disagreements with co-workers it can turn an otherwise pleasant work environment into a disaster. When workplace conflict occurs it affects the whole office. Groups begin to be formed that attack[…]

Family Mediation Results

Family Mediation: Resolve Your Most Important Conflicts

Family members play a key role in providing a peaceful environment and promote a sense of support, belonging, and security. Unfortunately, these very same people can also be a source of irritation and pain. Family conflict is a natural and normal part of life as it includes conflict with siblings, cousins, parents, and as you[…]